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ClinicalKey Key Innovators

Atomicdust created Key Innovators, an online campaign that aligned the ClinicalKey brand with innovation and technology in the eyes of key healthcare decision makers.

Paper cut outs for Clinical Key- Key Innovators

Getting People Talking

Our goal was to start conversations among the right people about Elsevier’s ClinicalKey, a new search engine exclusively for healthcare professionals. We gave them new content to share – and a chance to honor their peers for doing innovative work in their field.

Clinical Key- Key Innovators Social Media promotions
Woman holding the Clinical Key- Key Innovators website on an iPad
Social media marketing pieces Clinical Key- Key Innovators
Pixel person design for Clinical Key- Key Innovators marketing campaign

Nominating Excellence

We created a campaign to drive people to a custom Facebook app to nominate individuals who are using technology to improve their organizations. These are the “Key Innovators.”

The contest recognized the hard work and creativity of medical librarians, physicians and hospital executives – all key targets for ClinicalKey. In addition to the organizational winners, five individuals per month were awarded free, yearlong licenses to use the product.

Poster design for Clinical Key- Key Innovators marketing campaign
Printed marketing collateral for Clinical Key- Key Innovators

Sharing Stories

The winners were invited to HIMSS 2013 in New Orleans, one of the largest healthcare conferences of the year. They were interviewed about their award-winning projects and the challenges facing today’s healthcare professionals, and their insights were shared on ClinicalKey’s blog, YouTube and other social media channels.

Presenting the Clinical Key- Key Innovators winners with an oversized check
Presenting the Clinical Key- Key Innovators winners with an oversized check
The Clinical Key- Key Innovators Campaign pixel style design elements

Recognition for the Key Innovators Campaign

The campaign was named a Silver Winner in the Targeted Advertising and Marketing Awards and in the 30th Annual Healthcare Advertising Awards, sponsored by Healthcare Marketing Report. Nearly 4,000 entries were received in this year’s competition, making the awards the largest healthcare advertising awards competition – and one of the 10th largest of all advertising awards.

Marketing award from the Healthcare Marketing Report