Blog: Branding

Modernizing a Construction Brand for Alberici

Alberici has built some of the most complex and important structures in North America. We’re talking critical infrastructure like water treatment plants and heavy industrial production lines, and highly technical projects like hospitals and cutting-edge office buildings. On the firm’s…

Atomicdust Earns Ten American Graphic Design Awards

“The function of design is letting design function,” -Micha Commeren, entrepreneur and designer. And he’s right: design is so much more than how something looks. It’s how it functions, how it makes people feel and how it influences people to…

Atomicdust Earns Two GDUSA Health + Wellness Awards for 2023

There isn’t a world without healthcare. And because healthcare is vital, we also need crucial information about it—regulations, administration, benefits, applications—to be communicated effectively. But the industry can be complicated and confusing. That’s where marketing and design come in. We’ve…